Sunday, December 2, 2012

A day for a cause

A day for a cause

28 November 2012
Everybody should carve out a day from their busy schedule, leaving office, conference calls and emails behind just for the benefit of society, finds rakesh kumar

It was nothing short of a surprise for the students of Bal Sahyog, an NGO in the Capital that works with the under privileged, when over 100 employees of Deloitte, a leading services firm, paid them a visit last week. The corporate organisation engaged the children in a number of activities such as art and craft, dance and street-play to stimulate their minds as part of their social activity called Impact Day.  
The Deloitte professionals distributed gifts and chocolates besides prizes to the winning contestants among the underprivileged children. For the students, who are not used to getting such treatment that made them feel special, it would be one of the best days in their lives. “I participated in the drawing competition and I won chocolates as a gift. I am very happy and I think these people should daily come to our school and distribute prizes,” expressed a class III student, Raja. 
 As part of the Impact Day activities, organised in Delhi on Friday, Deloitte employees visited two NGOs, Pratham and Bal Sahayog. On this day, designated by the company, the employees do not work and instead engage in social activities. The employees voluntarily take up different causes related to education, environment conservation and upliftment of under privileged children in all over the country. In the Capital itself, 42 such projects had been addressed, company officials said. So far, in the last 10 years, Deloitte had spared 585,000 community hours, they added. 
However, their initiatives also pose a question whether one day would be sufficient to turn the lives of the underprivileged. Deloitte employees felt though a day would not make any difference to their plight, at least this could give them a much needed moral boost. “I know one day’s help is not going to change their whole life. But at least, we can help them to make a day memorable throughout the life,” said Kalpana Jain, senior director of Deloitte, India. “I think every organisation should take this initiative and carve out a day from their busy schedule to make an impact on their life. That is in any case more much more needed for them.”  
About Rakesh Kumar

Rakesh Kumar is a New Delhi based journalist at The Statesman, one of India's oldest and most respected newspapers. He writes in depth feature articles on issues of contemporary interest along with covering Travel, Lifestyle and Tech beats regularly. He can be contacted at

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