Thursday, August 28, 2014

A long weekend

The year 2014 saw a spate of extended weekends as several festivals and public holidays fell around them. Rakesh kumar looks at how people are taking advantage of these short breaks No longer do people wait for summer of winter vacations to take that outstation holiday with family....

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Thursday, August 21, 2014

A royal procession

Teej festival of Rajasthan is not limited to swings, henna or dressing up in traditional clothes but goes way beyond, discovers rakesh kumar It was a huge procession of decorated elephants, adorned camels and colourful horses, along with the cannon carriage, bullock carts, horse-drawb buggi and well-decorated rath....

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Satvik Food

 When I first heard about a “satvik” restaurant, I immediately “googled” it as I was unfamiliar with this word. When I got to know that it meant food with no onions or garlic, primarily meant for hardcore vegetarians. Curious to know how the food would taste without these...

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Row over boats

Delhi boasts of at least five boat clubs, but few know about them as most are defunct and little more than sewage ponds. Rakesh kumar wonders why these cannot become places of tourist interest The year was 1991, when the Capital conceived an idea of providing leisure boating for its...

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Friday, August 8, 2014

Bikers meal

Elevated super bikes, a World map made of nuts and bolts, banisters propped up with chains, guitars made of heavy metal and brand new bikes on display ~ the description may lead one to think of some garage or bike accessories shop. No, it is neither, but a...

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Thailand beckons

With Thailand facing a tourist slump, the country is gearing up to woo visitors, particularly from India, reports Rakesh Kumar    The recent political turmoil in Thailand may have been a deterrent to those planning a holiday there. Yet, the country is not ready to give up on its...

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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Joy for women

Teej is mainly celebrated in north Indian states but is now popular in Delhi, Chattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh, reports Rakesh Kumar Every year, the third day after Shravana month of the Hindu calendar is celebrated by married women across much of North India with much gaity and enjoyment. The...

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